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New date confirmed for Drum and Bass Awards

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Promoters have announced a new date and venue for the South West Drum and Bass Awards that where postponed due to the extreme weather earlier this month, which saw Exeter and the surrounding area receive it’s heaviest snowfall in 30yrs!

The awards will now be held on Friday 1st May 2009 at the Eden Project, St Austell, Cornwall.

They have tried to reschedule the awards to fit in with all the other events taking place across the region (big up to the Cornish crew for there help with this) and due to lack of availability at the original venue in Exeter, have teamed up with the hugely successful Arts Café to host the event at the amazing Eden Project in Cornwall.
They will be taking over the whole site and creating a number of different arenas catering for Drum and Bass, breaks, funk/jazz, hip hop and art.

The line-up is being adjusted for the new venue and will be announced in early March, when tickets will also go on sale.
Existing ticket holders with tickets for the postponed event will be valid for the new date.

More info and tickets from swdnbawards.com