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Halloween celebrations in Bristol last Saturday saw massed ranks of the city’s undead hordes rise once again in search of brains, blood and guts for the second annual Bristol Zombie Walk.  Emerging in mid afternoon from some unknown location (in or around the Council House funnily enough), nearly two thousand creatures of the night stumbled and moaned their way through the city centre and Broadmead spreading the virulent zombie virus to all in their path in an unstoppable outbreak of putrefaction and fun before heading for Stokes Croft and The Croft for impromptu entertainment by a local zombie rock band on Turbo Island and a deliciously ghoulish afterparty courtesy of Duvet Vous?

Brains, eyeballs and dismembered limbs abounded as this beautifully impromptu gathering of doom terrified, amused and amazed afternoon shoppers, corporate security guards and random drivers who generally could not believe their eyes at the spectacle provided by the beautiful and creative zombie devotees who put so much effort and time into their terminal condition that each and every one of them should be celebrated and thanked for their vision and commitment to the zombie cause.

This is the kind of unlicensed people powered creative chaos and social theatre that makes life in Bristol so damn special. Roll on next year! And who says we’re not a city of culture?