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The 3rd July 2011 marks the 40th Anniversary of Jim Morrison’s death. To celebrate one of the 20th Centurys most memorable icons, Who by Fire will launch Project Perception to the public and we’ve nabbed a pair of tickets to give away! The launch party will start, at 5pm, with a whispered vigil at William Blake’s graveside in Bunhill Fields. Guests, friends and fans are invited to join the unknown soldiers, hitchhikers, beatniks and hippies at Blake’s final resting place. From there they will transport you to a secret location where you’ll come to a door and be asked to step through to the other side and glimpse the infinite possibilities. A spokesman said: “Join us down in our Whiskey GoGo as we break on through to watch performances from new bands inspired by Morrison’s immortal legacy. Visit Andy Warhol and speak to God on his Golden telephone, chill on Venice Beach, and find out what lies behind the doors of perception. Come with us, break on through, and live the music!” More info and tickets, priced £8, at www.whobyfire.com

To enter our competition to win a pair of tickets, please fill in the form below with your full name, address and contact number remembering to put WHO BY FIRE in the subject line. Deadline noon on June 29. Winner will be informed by email later that day.

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