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It had been a bit of a week, one of those where the doctor might order a good fat giggle with your girlfriend to put things right.  So what did we fancy?  Bristol on a Saturday night gives a boat load of choice but one shone off the web page, ‘Bumpclubs’ Roller Disco at Trinity, fancy dress + skating + bar = smiles guaranteed!

There were a good number already rocking the circuit when we arrived at 10. Friendly faces and no pretences we were welcomed by a chap clinging to a pillar as if it were saving his life, he shouted help and asked for a hand over to his mates! Booted up and ready for action we skated straight to the bar for some more Dutch courage / cider power. Big up to the barmaid in blades, pity the male staff didn’t join you or would the spillage have been too great ?

The music was rolling and made you want to try and dance until you remembered your wheels and quickly stopped in case of injury (unless you were hardcore rocking it out with serious technique in the middle). We stopped or should I say kept moving till the early hours when the crowd thinned out. The night definitely served its purpose for smiles and laughter. We’ll be back probably on masse, if our ageing bones could take it.

Words: (semi) Pro

PS: Bambi we think you found your feet